In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge… Proverbs 14:26
For Dad:
Father, I pray Dad will have a strong confidence in Your love and power today. I pray he would stand in awe of who You are in him. Thank You that his children have a refuge because he is a man who places his confidence in You. Would You order his steps in Your word today? I pray You would give him great assurance in his decisions to lead his family and those around him. Bless him richly today, O God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
For Grandfather:
Father, I pray that today my Grandfather will stand in awe of who You are in Him. Thank You for his years of wisdom and for his confidence in You. Would You order his steps in Your word today? I pray You would give him assurance in his decisions with his time and family. Bless him richly today, O God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
For Children and Grandchildren:
Father, I pray for my children and grandchildren to have a strong confidence in Your love and power today. Would You draw them to Yourself, O God? I pray they would learn at an early age to fear You. Teach them to find freedom in You and to place their confidence in You alone. In Jesus’ Name, Amen