Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go… Joshua 1:9
For Dad:
Father, thank you for Jesus’ example of courage on the cross and how He displayed it so beautifully during His time on earth! I pray for my father to be courageous. I pray he will do and say the right thing regardless of the earthly cost. Help him today to accomplish all that you have for him. I pray Your grace will strengthen him to stand, no matter whator how much comes his way. I pray specifically against discouragement in his life. I pray he will have a keen awareness that Your presence is with him wherever he goes today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
For Grandfather:
Father, thank you for Jesus and how He displayed Godly courage! I thank You for the courageous life of my grandfather. In his weakness, remind him of your power and ability to help him finish well. Help him to accomplish all that You have for him today. I pray Your grace will strengthen him to stand no matter what comes his way. Give him a keen awareness of Your presence that is with him wherever he goes today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
For Children:
Father, I pray above all thing my children will live courageously! I pray they will learn at an early age that in their weakness, You are their strength. I pray they would do and say the right thing regardless of the earthly cost. Would You remind them today of Your power and ability to help in every area of their life. I pray Your grace will strengthen them to stand no matter what comes their way. Give them a keen awareness of Your presence wherever they are today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.