Faith That Works - A Study in the Book of James
by Alistair Begg
Volume 1
Wisdom isn’t a matter of age, education, or experience. It’s the product of God’s Spirit at work in a life that has been transformed by the grace of God. In Volume I of this series of messages from James, Alistair Begg examines the Christian’s call to live God’s way in God’s world. This biblical wisdom is demonstrated through patient perseverance in trials as the Christian finds joy in God’s purposes. It is seen as we endure the onslaught of temptation. It is experienced as the members of the Body of Christ learn to love one another radically and with great sacrifice. Godly wisdom is a work of God Himself expressed in every aspect of our lives.
James 1:1-27
Volume 2
Genuine faith results in action motivated by thankfulness for all that God has done. In volume 2 of this series, Alistair Begg helps us discover what true faith looks like in the life of a Christian. True faith in the Lord Jesus Christ produces godly wisdom, which is demonstrated by how we conduct ourselves toward God and others. James gives us tremendous insight into temptations Christians often face - from showing favoritism to having an uncontrolled tongue. As God’s Spirit enables, we can learn true wisdom and find strength to serve God and each other.
James 2:1-3:18
Volume 3
The Christian life involves a constant battle against sin. Christians are often guilty of “respectable” sins that may not seem gross by the world’s standards, but about which the Bible speaks quite strongly. As Alistair Begg continues our study in James, we see how far short we fall of God’s perfect standard. God’s law reveals that we are desperately proud, prone to controversy and slander, and often inclined to mismanage our time and money. This wonderfully practical study reminds us of our great need of a Savior and points us to the Cross, where we find complete forgiveness and peace. Having peace with God compels us to resist these sins as God draws us ever closer to Himself.
James 4:1-5:6
Volume 4
Alistair Begg ends this series in James by highlighting important principles that help Christians live in an unjust world. We may be prone to grow impatient toward God’s plans, which can cause us to become complacent in bearing Christian fruit. When we realize that everything in life is under the control of God and will ultimately be made right, we can live in a way that is contrary to human nature. The way we talk, worship, and pray becomes God-centered, not man-centered. Viewing the world from this perspective is a gift that can only be given to us by God’s amazing grace. When His grace captures a human heart we have a new song to sing and a loving Heavenly Father to whom we can humbly bring all of our cares.
James 5:7-20